English 852

Let's order pizza. vs. How about ordering pizza? / Join us! vs. Won't you join us?

[오늘의 말투체험] : Let's order pizza. vs. How about ordering pizza? - Let's order pizza. (피자 시키자.) vs. - How about ordering pizza? (피자 시키는 거 어때요?) ※ How about ~ ing? ( ~하는 거 어때?) How about studying? (공부하는 게 어떠니?) How about sleeping? (자는 게 어떨까?) ** 도전!! 주거니 받거니 * How about ordering pizza? 반응 표현? [..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

No, I can't. vs. I'm afraid I can't. / I want to change our appointment. vs. Can we reschedule our appointment?

[오늘의 말투체험] : No, I can't. vs. I'm afraid I can't. - No, I can't. (안돼. 못해.) vs. - I'm afraid I can't. (안되겠는데요.) ※ Do you like it? 에 대한 대답은? -> I'm afraid I don't. ※ Can you do it? → I'm afraid I can't. 그냥 이라고 하면, 어떤 질문에도 쓸 수 있음. ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I'm afraid I can't. 반응 표현? [1] 왜 안..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

What is this? vs. Do you by any chance know what this is? / What? What's your name? vs. Sorry, but I couldn't catch your name.

[오늘의 말투체험] : What is this? vs. Do you by any chance know what this is? - What's this? vs. - Do you by any chance know what this is? (이게 뭐야?) (혹시 이게 뭔지 아세요?) ※ by any chance → 혹시 ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * Do you by any chance know what this is? 반응 표현? [1] 죄송하지만 저도 모르겠는데요. -> Sorry. I have no idea. [2] 몰..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I need to talk to you. vs. Can I talk to you for a second? / What are you doing here? vs. What brings you here?

[오늘의 말투체험] : I need to talk to you. vs. Can I talk to you for a second? - I need to talk to you. vs. - Can I talk to you for a second? (얘기 좀 하자.) (잠깐 얘기 좀 할 수 있을까?) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * Can I talk to you for a second? 반응 표현? [1] 네, 무슨 일이세요? -> Sure. What's up? [2] 죄송한데, 저 통화중이거든요. -> Sorr..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I disagree. vs. I'm not sure. / Is Lisa there? vs. May I speak to Lisa? / Wrong number. vs. I think you have the wrong number.

[오늘의 말투체험] : I disagree. vs. I'm not sure. - I disagree. (난 동의 못해.) vs. - Well, I'm not sure. (글쎄...잘 모르겠는데. 확실히 모르겠어.) I don't know. (모르겠어.) I don't know about that. (그거에 대해서 잘 모르겠는데.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I'm not sure. 반응 표현? [1] 하지만, 난 네 의견이 필요해. -> But I need yo..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Thanks. vs. Thank you. I appreciate it. / Sorry. vs. I'm so sorry. I apologize. / What? vs. I beg your pardon?

[오늘의 말투체험] : Thanks. vs. Thank you. I appreciate it. - Thanks. (고마워.) vs. - Thank you very much. (고맙습니다.) - Thank you. I appreciate it. (정말 고맙습니다.) - Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. (정말 너무 고맙습니다.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니! * Thank you. I appreciate it. 반응 표현? [1] (천만에.) 내가 뭘. -> My pleasure. ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Do you want some tea? vs. Would you like some tea? / Hey, I have a question. vs. Mr. Moon. Can I ask a question? / Here. vs. Here you go.

[오늘의 말투체험] : Do you want some tea? vs. Would you like some tea? - Do you want some tea? (차 마실래?) vs. - Would you like some tea? (차 좀 드시겠어요?) - Would you like some coffee? (커피 좀 드시겠어요?) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니! * Would you like some tea? 반응 표현? [1] 네, 감사합니다. -> Yes, I'd like some. [2] 혹시 녹차 있나요? ->..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

A map, please. vs. Can I have a map please? / Move over. vs. Could you move over a little? / What do you need? vs. Do you need anything?

말투체험 극과 극! ※ 우리 나라에서는 주로 나이에 따라 존댓말을 쓰지만, 영어권에서는... 상대방과 얼마나 친분이 있느냐 없느냐, 그 친밀도에 따라 존댓말, 즉 공손한 말투를 사용한다. <영어권에서의 공손한 말투의 기준> ① 친밀도 ② 나이 [오늘의 말투체험] : A map, please. vs. Can I have a map please..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Don't underestimate me. / This soup is awesome. / Aren't I cute? You're mine. / You're such a smart aleck.

[오늘의 유행어] : Don't underestimate me. (날 물로 보지마.) - Don't underestimate me. (날 과소평가 하지마...즉, 물로 보지마.) underestimate의 반대의미인 과대평가는? : overestimate (과대평가) - Don't expect too much. (너무 큰 기대는 하지마.) ** 주거니 받거니 * Don't underestimate me. 반응 표현? [1] 알았어. 안 그럴게. -> Okay, ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Why are you always picking on me? / I stick by the rules. / You shouldn't act like that. / Don't be so nosy. / Just go away! You ruined everything.

[오늘의 유행어] : Why are you always picking on me? - Why are you always picking on me? (너는 왜 항상 나를 놀리니(괴롭히니)?...즉, 넌 왜 나만 갖고 그래?) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니! * Why are you always picking on me? 반응 표현? [1] 대체 무슨 소리하는 거야? -> What are you talking about? [2] 나 너 안 놀렸어. -> I didn't pick on you. [3]..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20