English 852

We'll be closing in 15 minutes. / You've reached Lisa's house. / Please leave your message after the beep.

[오늘의 안내영어] We'll be closing in 15 minutes. - We'll be closing in 15 minutes. (저희는 15분 후에 문 닫습니다.) ※ 15분내에....라고 하려면? -> within 15 minutes - We'll be closing in half an hour. (우린 30분 후에 문 닫습니다.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * We'll be closing in 15 minutes. 반응 표현? [1] 15분 후? 그렇게 빨리요? -> In 1..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Please fill out the immigration form. / The emergency exit is on your right. / The tickets are sold out. / All items are 40% off.

[오늘의 안내영어] Please fill out the immigration form. - Please fill out the immigration form. (입국계를 작성해주십시오.) ※ immigration office : 출입국 관리 사무소 Fill out the form. (형식에 맞게) 작성해. Fill in the blank. (빈칸을 채워라.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * Please fill out the immigration form. 반응 표현? [1] 난 이런 거 쓰는 ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

The plane has just landed at Incheon airport. / Please remain in your seat until the seat belt sign is off.

[오늘의 안내영어] The plane has just landed at Incheon airport. (비행기 안에서나 공항에서 들을 수 있는 안내영어~^^) - The plane has just landed at Incheon airport. (비행기가 지금 막 인천공항에 도착했습니다.) ** 도전!! 주거니 받거니 * The plane has just landed at Incheon airport. 반응 표현? [1] (한국에) 돌아왔어. -> I'm back. [2]..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Flight 703 for Bangkok is now boarding. / Please fasten your seat belts. / The current temperature is 75 degrees.

안내영어!! (귀가 뻥~~ 입도 뻥~~) [오늘의 안내영어] Flight 703 for Bangkok is now boarding. : (공항에서 많이 들을 수 있는 안내 영어죠?!!^^) - Flight 703 for Bangkok is now boarding. (방콕행 703편 비행기 지금 탑승중입니다.) - Flight 703 for Bangkok is now boarding at gate 20. (방콕행 703편 비행기는 20번 게이트에서 지금 탑승중입..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

We'll be able to catch the last bus. / We're locked out of the car. / We have a flat tire. / I'm exhausted.

[오늘의 휴가영어] We'll be able to catch the last bus. - We can catch the last bus. (우리 마지막 버스 탈 수 있어.) ※ we can의 미래 → we'll be able to - We'll be able to catch the last bus. (우리 마지막 버스 탈 수 있을 거야.) ※ we will not be → we won't be - We won't be able to catch the last bus. (우리 마지막 버스 탈 수 없을 거야.) ** 도..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I left my sunglasses at the restaurant. / Did you put on sunblock? / Let's stop by the gift shop. / Can I pay in dollars?

[오늘의 휴가영어] I left my sunglasses at the restaurant. leave의 과거형 → left - I left my sunglasses at the restaurant. (식당에 내 선글라스 놓고 왔어.) - I left my bag at the restaurant. (레스토랑에 내 가방을 두고 왔어.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I left my sunglasses at the restaurant. 반응 표현? [1] 식당에 전화해보자. -> Why don't y..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

How about watching the sunset at the beach? / It's my first time taking a plane. / You've got a nice tan. / Is this seat taken?

[오늘의 휴가영어] How about watching the sunset at the beach? sunrise : 일출 / sunset : 일몰, 석양 - How about watching the sunset at the beach? (바닷가에 석양 보러 갈래요?) - How about watching the sunrise at the beach? (바닷가에서 일출 보는 게 어때?) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * How about watching the sunset at the beach? 반응 표현? [1] 해가 몇 ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I feel nauseous. / Don't step on the grass. / I prefer going to the mountains. / There are no vacancies. / This room has a great view.

[오늘의 휴가영어] I feel nauseous. - I feel nauseous. (나 어지러워. 속이 울렁거려. 속이 메스꺼워.) <같은 의미의 표현> = I feel sick. (Q)『토한다.』는 표현을 하려면 throw 다음에 어떤 단어가 올까요? ① in ② out ③ up ④ down => (A) throw up ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I feel nauseous. 반응 표현? [1] 정말? 많이 심해..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I'm on vacation. / I'll go inline skating this weekend. / The safari park was a lot of fun. / You just cut in line. / Let's go on the roller coaster.

휴가영어! (휴가스케치!) [오늘의 휴가영어] I'm on vacation. - I'm on vacation. (나 휴가중이야.) - I'm on leave. (나 휴직중이야. or 휴학 중이야.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I'm on vacation. 반응 표현? [1] 얼마나 오래? -> For how long? [2] 뭐 특별한 계획 있으세요? -> Do you have any special plans? [3] 저도 휴가였으면 좋겠어..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Keep it down. vs. Would you mind keeping it down? / Let me borrow this. vs. Will it be okay if I borrow this?

[오늘의 말투체험] : Keep it down. vs. Would you mind keeping it down? - Keep it down. vs. - Would you mind keeping it down? (소리 좀 낮춰.) (소리 좀 낮춰주시겠어요? 좀 조용히 해주실래요?) ※ <주의> Be quiet.는 무례한 표현. ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * Would you mind keeping it down? 반응 표현? [1] 내가 방해한 거야? -> Did I disturb..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20