English 852

I have my hands full. / Keep your chin up. / I learned it by heart. / It just popped into my head.

[오늘의 필수표현] 나 너무 바빠. - I have my hands full. (내 양손이 꽉 찼다...즉, 너무 바쁘다.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I have my hands full. 반응 표현? [1] 뭐 하는데? -> What are you up to? [2] 하지만 이거 중요한 일인데. -> But this is important. [3] 이번 한번만 도와줘. -> Just help me this one time. =========================..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

They're neck and neck. / I wanted to save face. / Please keep an eye on my bag. / My lips are sealed.

[오늘의 필수표현] 그들은 막상막하야. -> They're neck and neck. (그들은 막상막하다.) ※ 경마에서 실력이 비슷한 말머리를 보고 유래! ** 주거니 받거니 * They're neck and neck. 반응 표현? [1] 아주 재미있는데. -> It's so exciting. [2] 정말 흥미진진하다. -> It's really thrilling. [3] 둘 다 잘하네. -> They're both good...

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I have a sweet tooth. / I'm getting cold feet. / He's a bigmouth. / I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

몸으로 말해요! 신체의 일부와 관련이 있는 영어 표현에 대해 배웁니다. [오늘의 필수표현] I have a sweet tooth. - I have a sweet tooth. (나 단 것을 좋아해요.) ※ tooth (치아 한 개) / teeth (치아 여러 개) - I like sweet things. (단 것을 좋아해.) - I like sweets. (단 것을 좋아해.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I have a sweet tooth. ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I'm flattered. / That was a close call. / Just my luck. / We played phone tag all day.

[오늘의 필수표현] 과찬의 말씀이십니다! - I'm flattered. ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * I'm flattered. 반응 표현? [1] 아냐. 정말이야. -> No, it's true. [2] 너무 겸손해하지 마세요. -> Don't be so humble. [3] 당신은 칭찬 받을 만해요. -> You deserve a compliment. ================================================================================..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

You asked for it. / Here's the thing. / I'll keep you company. / Hang in there. / I can live with that.

[오늘의 필수표현] You asked for it. - You ask for it. (네가 자초한 거야.) [You asked for it.]은 다소 직선적인 표현. 예의를 차리는 상황에서는 쓰지 않는 게 좋다. ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * You asked for it. 반응 표현? [1] 너 진짜 못됐다. -> You're so mean. [2] 근데 어쩔 수가 없었어. -> But I couldn't help it. [3] 내가 뭘 ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Be my guest. / You're all set. / He's on a roll. / You can't beat it. / Let's call it a day.

[오늘의 필수표현] Be my guest. - Be my guest. (물론이죠. 그러세요.) Can I use your pencil? (니 연필 좀 써도 될까?) -> Be my guest. (물론이지. 얼마든지 써.) Can I borrow your umbrella? (우산 좀 빌려주실래요?) -> Be my guest. (그러세요.) - Feel free to use it. (마음껏 쓰세요.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * Be my guest. 반응 표현? [1]..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

Don't bother. / He's so cheap. / I don't buy it. / Now you're talking. / Can you give me a doggy bag?

직역금지! 필수표현! - 직역하면 큰 코 다치는 필수표현. [오늘의 필수표현] Don't bother. - Don't bother. (굳이 그러실 거 없어요.) 원래는, Don't bother yourself. 인데, yourself를 생략시키고, 그냥 Don't bother. - Don't bother me. (귀찮게 하지 마. 성가시게 하지 마.) - Don't disturb. (방해하지 마세요.) * disturb와 bother의 차이?..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

The payphone is at the end of the hallway. / Please do not take pictures. /

[오늘의 안내영어] The payphone is at the end of the hallway. at the end of : ~의 끝에 - The payphone is at the end of the hallway. (공중전화는 복도 끝에 있습니다.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * The payphone is at the end of the hallway. 반응 표현? [1] 잔돈 좀 빌려줄 수 있어요? -> Can you lend me some change? [2] 알려줘서 고마워요. -> Thanks ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

No outside food or beverages are allowed. / Please put your cell phone on vibrate. / Please watch your step.

[오늘의 안내영어] No outside food or beverages are allowed. - No outside food or beverages are allowed. (외부 음식물은 반입금지입니다.) beverage : 음료수 outside food : 외부 음식물 ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 * No outside food or beverages are allowed. 반응 표현? [1] 이거 버려야 되나요? -> Should I throw it out? [2] 여기서 다 먹을게요. ->..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

The number you dialed is out of service. / Our office hours are from 9 to 5. / Please press the pound key.

[오늘의 안내영어] The number you dialed is out of service. in service <--> out of service - The number you dialed is out of service. (지금 거신 전화는 없는 번호입니다.) ** 도전! 주거니 받거니 *The number you dialed is out of service. 반응 표현? [1] 없는 번호라고? 그거 이상하네. -> Out of service? That's strange. [2] 네? 이거 잘못된 번..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20