English 852

Everything will work out fine. / My gut feeling is that he will win. / I'm really into it.

[ 오늘의 감성표현 ] Everything will work out fine. work : 일, 일하다. 작용하다. work out : 잘 되어가다. -> (붙여서 쓰면 다른 뜻) workout : 기업 가치 회생 작업 (워크아웃) It works. (그거 효력 있어.) It works out. (그거 잘 되어가.) Everything works out. (모든 게 잘 되어가.) Everything will work out. (모든 게 잘 되어 갈 것이다..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

There's no hurry. / I'm so stressed out. / I don't mind either one. / I'm fed up with it. / She's grumpy today.

[ 오늘의 감성표현 ] There's no hurry. hurry : 서두르다, 서두름, - I am in a hurry. (나는 서두름 안에 있다....즉, 난 바쁘다.) - We're in a hurry. (우리 바빠.) - You're in a hurry. (너는 바쁘다.) There is ~ (있다.) / There is no ~ (없다) * I'm in a hurry.에서 a를 no로 바꾸면 반대의 뜻이 된다. - There's no hurry. (서두를 것 없다.) - You'..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I will talk him into it. / What's gotten into you? / Don't take it personally. / I'm going crazy.

[ 오늘의 감성표현 ] I will talk him into it. talk ~ into ~ : ~를 ~하도록 설득하다. talk her into it : 그녀가 그거 하도록 설득하다. talk her into the party : 그녀를 파티에 오라고 설득하다. - I'll talk him into it. (내가 그 남자에게 그걸 얘기할게... 즉, 내가 그 남자 그거 하도록 설득할게.) (Q) 위와 반대로, ~ 하지 못하도..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I didn't have the nerve to say no. / Mind your own business. / That doesn't interest me. / I feel so burdened.

[ 오늘의 감성표현 ] : I didn't have the nerve to say no. nerve : 용기, 담력, 뻔뻔스러움. I have the nerve. (난 용기를 가지고 있어.) I didn't have the nerve. (난 용기가 없었어.) I didn't have the nerve to say. (난 말할 용기가 없었어.) -> I didn't have the nerve to say no. (감히 싫다고 말할 용기가 없었다... no라고 거절할 용기가 없..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I won't disappoint you this time. / I'm so proud of you. / Good that you came on time. / I'm so embarrassed.

[ 오늘의 감성표현 ] : I won't disappoint you this time. I disappoint you. (난 널 실망시킨다.) I will disappoint you. (난 널 실망시킬 거야.) I won't disappoint you. (난 널 실망시키지 않을 거야.) -> I won't disappoint you this time. (이번엔 당신 실망시키지 않을게요.) ※ won't = will not : won't 발음 주의! * 보너스! disappoint와 비슷한 ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I didn't quite catch what you said. / How have you been? / I'm so happy for you.

** [ Today's Point (오늘의 요점) -> I didn't quite catch what you said. ] I didn't catch ~ I didn't catch what you said. I didn't quite catch what you said. (대표 문장) - I didn't quite catch what you said. (직역하면, 난 네가 말한 것을 명확하게 잡을 수 없었다... 즉, 네가 말한 거 정확히 못 알아들었어.) * 상대방의 얘기를 잘 못 알아들어..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

You mean you love me? / Personally, he's not my type. / That's what I'm saying. / I don't get it.

** [ Today's Point (오늘의 요점) -> you mean ] ※ you mean ~ - You mean you love me? (나를 사랑한다는 의미니?) - You mean you like me? (나 좋아한다는 뜻이야?) - You mean you are tired? (너 피곤하다는 의미지?) - You mean you are angry? (화난다는 의미니?) - You mean you are sad? (슬프다는 뜻이야?) - You mean you won? (이겼다는 의미니?) - Y..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

As far as I'm concerned, I think he's okay. / Honestly, I don't like him that much. / The news says it's going to snow.

** [ Today's Point (오늘의 요점) -> as far as I'm concerned ] as far as I'm concerned : 제가 생각하기로는.... / 남들이 뭐라고 하든지 나는... - As far as I'm concerned, he is okay. (제 생각으로는 그 사람 괜찮아요.) - As far as I'm concerned, I think he is okay. (제 생각으로는 괜찮은 것 같은데요.) - As far as I'm concerned, I think he's not ok..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

If it snows on Christmas, I'll kiss her. / Where was I? / Speaking of Matt, what is he doing now?

** [ Today's Point (오늘의 요점) -> if ] It snows. (눈 온다.) I'll kiss her. (난 그녀한테 키스할 거야.) "눈이 온다면 그녀한테 키스를 할거야."라고 ~라면, ~한다면, 이라는 말을 하려면....if를 쓴다. - If it snows, I'll kiss her. (눈이 온다면, 그녀에게 키스할 거야.) - If it snows on Christmas, I'll kiss her. (크리스마스에 눈..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20

I dozed off during class. / Although he is poor, he is always happy. / I love Lisa, and I also love Min-hee.

** [ Today's Point (오늘의 요점) -> during ] - during : ~ 동안 during class (수업시간 동안) during the speech (연설하는 동안) during lunch (점심식사 동안) during dinner (저녁식사 동안) - doze off : 졸다. (Q) ‘졸다’는 뜻으로 doze off 말고 sleepy를 쓰면 안되나요? => I'm sleepy. (졸려.) sleepy는 졸리는 “상태”를 말하고, doze ..

English/EnCa!! 2006.08.20