
Excuse me, do you have anything to drink ?

JJun ™ 2006. 1. 27. 10:55
Excuse me, do you have anything to drink ?

Excuse me, do you have anything to drink?

What would you like ?

I'll have a cup of coffee

Alright. Please wait a moment

Excuse me :

excuse me는 '실례지만 미안합니다만'의 뜻이지만, 본문의 경우와 같이 식당 등에서 웨이터에게 말을 걸고자 할 때 의례적으로 쓰인다.

Excuse me. (<식당에서> 여기요.)

I'll be right with you, sir. (곧 가겠습니다, 손님.)

What would you like? :

What would you like to drink? 또는 What would you like to have?의 줄임말.

What would you like to have, sir?
(뭘로 드시겠습니까, 손님?)

I'll have martini. (마티니로 주시오.)

Would you like something to drink, sir?
(뭐 마실 것 좀 드시겠습니까, 손님?)

No, thanks. (아니오, 됐습니다.)

a cup of coffee :

구어체에서는 a cup of를 생략해 쓰기도 한다. coffee는 물질명사로 불가산명사이나 실제 회화에서는 two coffees (커피 두 잔)와 같이 말하기도 한다. have 대신 동사 use를 쓰기도 한다.

What would you like, sir? (뭘로 드릴까요, 손님?)

I'll have a coffee. (커피 주세요.)

What about you, sir? (손님은요?)

I think I'll use a cup of tea. (홍차로 하죠.)

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