
Can you bring me a newspaper ?

JJun ™ 2006. 1. 27. 10:49
Can you bring me a newspaper ?

Can you bring me a newspaper ?

I'll bring one for you right away

How much is it ?

It's complimentary

bring me a newspaper :

: bring 대신 get, have 등을 써서 표현하기도 한다.

Please bring me a glass of water.
(물 한 잔 갖다 주세요.)

Can I have another cup of coffee?
(커피 한 잔 더 주시겠어요?)

I'll get you one right away. (곧 갖다 드리겠습니다.)

How much is it? :

'얼마입니까?'에 해당하는 관용적 표현. 우리말로 직역하면 어색하게 느껴지지만 owe(지불할 의무가 있다, 빚이 있다) 동사를 써서 말하기도 한다.

How much? (얼마죠?)

It's free.(무료입니다.)

How much do I own you? (얼마입니까?)

It's ten dollars. (10달러입니다.)

It's complimentary :

: complimentary는 '무료'라는 뜻. 같은 뜻으로 free, free of charge, for nothing이 있다.

How much do I own you? (얼마입니까?)

It's free of charge. (무료입니다.)

I got this for nothing. (이거 공짜로 받았어.)

Where? (어디서?)

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