
I'd like to leave this with you

JJun ™ 2006. 1. 27. 10:48
I'd like to leave this with you

I'd like to leave this with you

Is it anything precious ?

No, it isn't

Okay, I'll keep it for you

I'd like to leave this with you :

I'd like to는 I would like to의 축약형으로 '∼하고 싶다'라는 뜻의 정중한 표현. leave∼with(또는 to)는 '∼을 남기다, ∼을 맡기다'라는 뜻.

Can I leave this stuff to you?
(이 물건 좀 맡아 주시겠어요?)

No problem. (좋습니다.)

Do you mind if I leave this to you?
(이것 좀 맡겨도 괜찮겠습니까?)

Of course not. (물론 괜찮습니다.)

Is it anything precious? :

anything, something, every-thing과 같은 부정대명사를 수식할 때는 형용사가 그 뒤에 온다.

Is there anything fragile in the box?
(상자안에 뭐 깨질 만한 물건이 있습니까?)

I'll keep it for you :

: keep something for someone은 '보관해 주다, 맡아 두다'라는 뜻.

Could you keep this for me?
(이걸 좀 보관해 주시겠습니까?)

Sure thing. (좋습니다.)

I need to leave this box with someone.
(이 상자를 누구에게 좀 맡겨야 되는데.)

I'll keep it for you. (제가 맡아 두죠.)

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