Please give me a city map ⊙ Please give me a city map : : 앞에서 나왔듯이 have나 need를 써서 표현해도 좋다. Give me a beer. (맥주 한 잔 주시오.) Can I have a city map? (시 지도 하나 주시겠어요?) I need a city map. (시 지도 한 장 주세요.) ⊙ How much is it? : '얼마입니까?'에 해당하는 가장 흔히 쓰이는 표현이다. 우리말로 직역하면 어색하나 영어.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Is there a subway station nearby ? Is there a subway station nearby ? Is there a subway station nearby ? Yes, there is. How do I get there ? If you turn left at that intersection, it's right there. ⊙ Is there a subway station nearby? : : nearby는 '근처에, 가까운 곳에'라는 뜻의 부사. 비슷한 뜻으로 around를 쓰기도 한다. Is there a gas station nearby? (근처에 주유소가 있습니까?) Yes, it's a c.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Did you count everything ? ⊙ Did you count everything? : : count는 '세다' 외에도 ' 중요하다'라는 뜻이 있다. everything 대신 all을 써도 괜찮다. Did you count all? (모두 세어 보았습니까?) Did you count all of them? (모두 다 세어 보았습니까?) That doesn't count. (중요하지 않다.) count는 전치사 on과 함께 '믿다, 의지하다'의 뜻을 지니는 숙어로도 자주 .. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Can I take a picture here ? Can I take a picture here ? Can I take a picture here ? It's alright. Then, can you press the shutter ? I'd like that. please don't move. ⊙ Can I take a picture here ? : take a picture(pictures)는 '사진을 찍다'라는 뜻.우리말은 다른 사람이 자신의 사진을 찍어 줄때도 사진을 찍는다고 하나 이런 경우 영어에서는 have a picture taken의 패턴을 써서 .. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Is Myungdong far from here ? ⊙ Is Myungong far from here? : 낯선 곳에서 지리를 물어 볼 때 쓰는 표현이다. How far∼ 를 이용해 표현해도 좋다. How far is it from here to Chongno? (여기서 종로까지 얼마나 됩니까?) It's not very far from here. (여기서 그리 멀지 않습니다.) ⊙ Can I walk? : '걸어서 갈 수 있을까요?', 즉 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리인지 묻는 .. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Has your daughter graduated from college ? Has your daughter graduated from college ? Has your daughter graduated from college ? She hasn't yet. She's in her third year. what's the major ? Music. ⊙ graduated from college : '졸업하다'의 graduate 은 전치사 from과 함께 쓰인다. 우리말 식으로 '대학을 졸업하다'로 생각해 graduated college로 쓰지 않도록 주의한다. When did you graduate from high school.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Do you have a tour bus ? Do you have a tour bus ? Do you have a tour bus ? Yes, we do. Do you have one that goes to the Minsokch'on ? Yes, we do. It leaves from the hotel at 8:00. ⊙ Do you have a tour bus? : have는 일차적으로 '가지다, 소유하다'의 의미를 갖고 있지만, 회화에 잘 이용하면 다양한 표현을 가능하게 한다. 예를 들어 무엇을 달라고 할때도 우리말 식으로.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Is it far from the hotel to the station ? Is it far from the hotel to the station ? Is it far from the hotel to the station ? It's not far, you can walk. About how many minutes does it take ? It wouldn't even take ten minutes. ⊙ Is it far from the hotel to the station? : far from∼은 '∼로부터 멀리 떨어져 있다'라는 뜻. Is it far from here to the hospital? (여기서 병원까지 머나요?) It's not far from here. (.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Why aren't you going to school ? Why aren't you going to school ? Why aren't you going to school ? I don't have class today. What day is it ? It's the birthday of our school. ⊙ Why aren't you going to school? : '왜 학교에 가지 않느냐'라는 뜻. 회화에서 자주 쓰이는 표현으로 Why don't you(we)∼ 가 있는데 이것은 '왜 ∼하지 않느냐'가 아니라 '∼하지 그래, ∼하면 어떨까?' 정.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27
Is this the first time you've come to Korea ? Is this the first time you've come to Korea ? Is this the first time you've come to Korea? Yes, that is so. Where have you gone sight-seeing? I've gone to Piwon and Minsokch'on ⊙ Is this the first time you've come to Korea ? : This is the first time to + 동사 원형 my second time to 동사 원형...... '몇 번째 ∼하는 것이다'라는 뜻의 문장 패턴. Is this the first time to v.. English/CaFe_English 2006.01.27