거리 영어!! 거리에서 접하게 되는 실용적인 영어표현들을 집중적으로 배웁니다.
[오늘의 거리영어]
I was stuck in
- I was stuck in traffic. (차가 막혔어.)
- I was stuck
in the bathroom. (해결을 못 보고) 화장실에 갇혀있었어.)
- I was stuck at the airport. (공항에서
발이 묶였어.)
- I was stuck with the client. (I was stuck with a client.) (고객한테
붙잡혀 있었어.)
- The road is congested. (길이 꽉 막혔어... 도로 정체가 심해.)
- My
nose is congested. (코가 꽉 막혔어.)
- Your ear is congested. (네 귀가 꽉 막혔네.)
The throat is congested. (목이 꽉 막혔어.)
[오늘의 거리영어]
The bus took a while to come.
* take
It takes money. (돈이 들어.)
It takes time. (시간이
※ for a while : 잠깐 동안
※ a while : 한동안
- The bus took a
while to come. (버스가 한참 만에 왔어요.)
* 조금 더 한참일 경우엔.. - The bus took so long
to come. (버스가 한참 만에 왔어.)
* 아주 오랫동안 기다려도 오지 않는 경우..(과장되게)
- The bus took forever to come. (버스가 정말 한참 만에 왔어.)
- The bus comes every five minutes. (버스는 5분마다 와요.)
every minute
every two minutes (2분마다)
every five minutes (5분마다)
every ten
minutes (10분마다)
every two months (2달에 한 번)
[오늘의 거리영어]
The train is packed.
The train is packed. (기차가 꽉 찼어.)
- The train is packed with little kids.
(열차가 어린 아이들로 꽉 찼어.)
- I'm all packed. (나 짐 다 쌌어.)
- I'm all
finished. (난 다 끝냈어.)
[오늘의 거리영어]
The traffic light is broken.
- The traffic light is broken. (신호등이 고장 났어.)
microwave oven (= microwave) : 전자렌지
- The microwave oven is broken.
(전자렌지가 고장 났어.)
= The microwave is broken.
- The fan is broken. (선풍기가
고장 났어.)
- The blender is broken. (블렌더가 고장났어.)
- I ran a red
light. (나 신호위반 했어.)