[오늘의 필수표현]
He's just paying lip service.
- He's just paying lip service.
(그 사람 그냥 말로만 그러는 거야.)
(Q)『빈말』을 영어로 표현하면?
-> empty promise
- It's an empty
promise. (그거 빈말이야. 헛된 약속이야.)
** 도전! 주거니 받거니
* He's just
paying lip service. 반응 표현?
[1] 내 그럴 줄 알았어.
-> I thought so.
[2] 당신이 어떻게 알아요?
-> How do you know that?
[3] 진심인 거 같은데.
-> He seems to mean it.
[오늘의 필수표현]
She's dressed in red from head to toe.
- She's dressed in red from head to toe. (그녀는 머리부터 발끝까지 빨간색으로
맞춰 입었어.)
- He's dressed in green from head to toe. (그는 머리부터 발끝까지 녹색 옷을 입었어.)
** 도전! 주거니 받거니
* She's dressed in red from head to toe. 반응
표현? ] /
[1] 누구 만나나?
-> Is she seeing somebody?
[2] 멋지군요.
-> She looks gorgeous.
[3] 그 여자 빨간색 좋아해.
-> Oh, she likes
[오늘의 필수표현]
It makes my mouth water.
- It makes my mouth water. (그거 군침 돌게 하네.)
- It's
mouth-watering. (군침 돈다.)
** 도전! 주거니 받거니
* It makes my mouth
water. 반응 표현?
[1] 냄새 너무 좋다.
-> It smells so good.
[2] 너
-> You said you were full.
[3] 너 배고프구나.
-> You must
be hungry.
※ You must be thirsty. (너 목마르구나.)
[오늘의 필수표현]
I'm all ears.
- I'm all
ears. (잘 듣고 있어.)
Listen carefully! (잘 들어봐!)
I'm listening carefully.
(나 잘 듣고 있어.)
*『I'm all thumbs.』는 무슨 뜻일까?
-> 손재주가 없다.
※ thumb
: 엄지손가락
** 도전! 주거니 받거니
* I'm all ears. 반응 표현?
[1] 너무
-> Okay. Don't be shocked.
[2] 사실 네 여자친구 얘기야.
Actually, it's about your girlfriend.
[3] 어디서부터 시작해야 할지 모르겠네.
I don't know where to start.
[오늘의 필수표현]
It's getting out of hand.
- It's getting out of hand.
(통제가 안돼.. 조절이 안되고 있어.)
** 도전! 주거니 받거니
* It's getting out of hand. 반응 표현?
[1] 어머, 너 큰 일 났구나.
-> You're in trouble.
[2] 다시 해 봐.
-> Try again.
[3] 정신 차려.
-> Get a grip.