English/발전 영문법

[16장] 과거시점을 기준으로 미래표현하기

JJun ™ 2006. 2. 15. 17:32

1. 과거를 기준으로 미래표현하기

과거의 어느 한 시점에서부터 미래의 일을 표현하고플 때가 있다. 이런 경우, 주로 많이 쓰는


방법이 미래를 뜻하는 조동사들의 표현을 동사의 과거형으로 표현해 버리는 방법이다. 다음


의 현재를 기반으로한 미래형 표현과 과거를 기반으로한 미래형 표현을 잘 비교해 보도록 해



ex) The new computer will arrive next week.

      I'm going to grow tomatoes and carrots this summer.

      I'm collecting my mother from the station this afternoon.

      As it's raining, I think I'll be going home by taxi.

      The exam will have finished by 3 o'clock, so I'll see you then.

      The Prime Minister has announced that there is to be an election on May 1st.

      The workers are to be transferred to a new factory on the outskirts of town.

      The performance is about to begin. Please take your seats, ladies and gentlemen.

      Our computer was broken and we hoped the new one would arrive soon.

      During the winter I decided that I was going to grow tomatoes and carrots when the summer came.

      I left the meeting early because I was collecting my mother at 3:30.

      Jane she said that she would be going home by taxi because of the rain.

      The exam was so easy that most people would have finished after 30 minutes.

      I was on holiday in Greece when I heard there was to be an election back home.

      She was given a tour of the factory where she was later to be transferred.

      The performance was about to begin when someone started screaming.

과거형으로 쓰인 미래의 시제는 가끔 부정의 뜻도 내포하기도 합니다. 따라서 해석상에서


주의를 기울이셔야 합니다.

ex) I was seeing Jim later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.

      I didn't phone to break the news to him because we were seeing each other later. He was very upset when I told him.

      They left the house at 6:00 am and would reach Edinburgh some 12 hours later.

      He was sure that the medical tests would show that he was healthy.

2. was/were to 의 용법

be to 용법의 과거는 ~하기로 되어 있었다. 그렇지만 ... 의 의미로 문장을 연결할 때 많이 쓰



ex) He was to find out years later that the car he had bought was stolen.

      I was to have helped with the performance, but I got flu the day before.

      There was to have been a ban on smoking in restaurants, but restaurant owners have forced the council to reconsider.

물론 be to 용법을 그냥 부정사(infinitive)가 올경우에는 주로 이루어진 사실에 대한 언급이


주가 되지만, have + p.p(past particle) 형태의 완료형이 오면, 못했다라는 뜻이 더 강조되


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