
[스크랩] 처키의 웰컴토익-8회문제

JJun ™ 2005. 10. 14. 22:46

처키의 웰컴토익-8회문제

Capsule - 18. 자주 나오는 **는 알아두자 (전체대비 문제비율 : 0.5% : )

18. The introduction of the hydrogen fuel cell to the domestic automobile market will lead to an overall increase in the energy _____ rating of the nation under the Kyoto Agreement.

A. reaction   

B. efficiency    

C. participation    

D. formulas

Capsule - 19. 순수 ***의 뜻을 알아두자. (전체대비 문제비율 : 1.0% : )

19. Drastic price cuts _____ other desperate measures such as cost recovery sales have done little to relieve the pressures on small retail outlets in the domestic markets.     

A. about    

B. near   

C. regarding   

D. amid

Capsule - 20. 명사를 가지는 것은 소유격 (전체대비 문제비율 : 1.2% : )

20. Due the sudden changes in weather that can be experienced quite

         A                                B                                     C

frequently at high altitudes, it is important that hikers carry appropriate


gear to protect themselves.


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