
I just took a guess. / Can you explain it to me? / I've studied Chinese for two years. / How much did you pay for it?

JJun ™ 2006. 8. 21. 09:10

[오늘의 표현 - 3형식]
I just took a guess.

* 3형식= 주어 + 동사 + 목적어

- I just took a guess.
(나 그냥 추측한 거야.)

▣ 와 호 작 문

* 와호작문 도전 문장
: I just took a guess about the reason for it yesterday.

1. I just took a guess. (나 그냥 추측했어.)
2. I just took a guess about the reason. (이유를 그냥 추측한 거야.)
3. I just took a guess about the reason for it. (그것에 대한 이유를 그냥 추측한 거야.)
4. I just took a guess about the reason for it yesterday. (어제 그것에 대한 이유를 그냥 추측한 거야.)




[오늘의 표현 - 3형식]
Can you explain it to me?

* 3형식= 주어 + 동사 + 목적어

- Can you explain it to me? (그거 나한테 설명해 줄 수 있어요? 나한테 설명해줄래요?)

▣ 와 호 작 문

* 와호작문 도전 문장
: Can you explain the second problem on page 10 to me?

1. Can you explain it to me? (그거 나한테 설명해줄래요?)
2. Can you explain the problem to me? (나한테 그 문제 좀 설명해줄래요?)
3. Can you explain the second problem to me? (나한테 두 번째 문제 좀 설명해주실래요?)
4. Can you explain the second problem on page 10 to me?
   (10페이지에 있는 두 번째 문제 나한테 설명해줄래요?)




[오늘의 표현 - 3형식]
I've studied Chinese for two years.

* 3형식 = 주어+동사+목적어

- I've studied Chinese for two years. (나 2년 동안 중국어 공부했어.)

▣ 와 호 작 문

* 와호작문 도전 문장
: I've studied Chinese very hard with Mr. Wang in China for two years.

1. I've studied Chinese. (중국어 공부해 왔어.)
2. I've studied Chinese very hard. (나 중국어 아주 열심히 공부했어.)
3. I've studied Chinese very hard with Mr. Wang. (나 미스터 왕과 아주 열심히 중국어 공부했어.)
4. I've studied Chinese very hard with Mr. Wang in China.

   (나 중국에서 미스터왕과 아주 열심히 중국어 공부했어.)

5. I've studied Chinese very hard with Mr. Wang in China for two years.
   (나 중국에서 2년동안 미스터왕과 아주 열심히 중국어 공부했어.)



[오늘의 표현 - 3형식]
How much did you pay for it?

* 3형식 = 주어+동사+목적어

- How much did you pay for it? (그거 얼마 주고 샀어?)

I paid one dollar. (1달러 줬어.)

▣ 와 호 작 문

* 와호작문 도전 문장
: How much did you pay for the yellow shirt on sale at the department store?

1. How much did you pay? (얼마 줬어?)
2. How much did you pay for it? (그거 얼마주고 샀어?)
3. How much did you pay for the yellow shirt? (그 노란 셔츠 얼마 줬어?)
4. How much did you pay for the yellow shirt on sale? (그 노란 셔츠 세일할 때 얼마 줬어?)
5. How much did you pay for the yellow shirt on sale at the department store?
   (백화점에서 세일할 때 노란 셔츠 얼마주고 샀니?)