
[스크랩] 처키의 웰컴토익-5회문제

JJun ™ 2005. 10. 14. 22:39

Capsule - 9. **잡기 (전체대비 문제비율 : 1.0% : )

9. Almost every new recruit to a company will list _____ as their top priority in accepting a job offer whereas employees with experience are inclined to list some other factors for consideration.

A. costs   

B. wages    

C. prices    

D. charges

Capsule - 10. **는 누가 **하나? (전체대비 문제비율 : 1.5% : )

10. The infusion of 30 million dollars into the Federal Government's Gun Registry Program has made it the most _____ funded non-income program the government has sponsored in the last three decades.

A. heavy    

B. heaviest    

C. heaviness    

D. heavily

Capsule - 11. ** 접속사는 영원하다 (전체대비 문제비율 : 1.9% : )

11. Listing of all the information on damage from nuclear accidents


has been extracted from documents and of studies we have been able

 B                                           C

to accumulate over the last five years.


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