
[스크랩] 처키의 웰컴토익 - 2회문제

JJun ™ 2005. 10. 14. 22:29
 12시 이전에 올리도록 하겠습니다^^:


Capsule - 3. 등위접속사문제 (전체대비 문제비율 : 1.5% : )

3. The general public is not aware of the extent of control and _____ that major advertising sponsor such as large corporations have on the mass media and its editorial policy.

A. powerfully

B. powered

C. powerful

D. power

Capsule - 4. 빈도부사의 위치(전체대비 문제비율 : 1.8% : )

- 부사로 본다면 3%

4. Many young people who start their own businesses quickly realized that it is _____ important to put tools and equipment back in the same place to cut down on time spent looking for them.

A. too much

B. once

C. always

D. before

최강 영어 포털 카페 웰컴영어


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