IT_Programming/Dev Tools

안드로이드 스튜디오 시작시 Welcome to Android Studio 창 나오게 설정하기!

JJun ™ 2016. 8. 3. 15:38

[일시 노출]

1) Close Project 선택

2) Welcome to Android Studio 창이 노출된다.

[시작시 반드시 노출되도록 설정하는 방법]

How to force Android Studio to start with the welcome screen?

Go to

[ Version as of July 25, 2015 ]
File Settings  Appearance & Behavior  System Settings  Un-check "Reopen last project on startup"  Click apply

Un-Check the checkbox.

[ Old Version ]
File  Settings  General  Startup/shutdown  Reopen last project on startup.

Un-Check the checkbox.

[ on the Mac - Version as of July 25, 2015 ] 

Preferences  General   Appearance & Behavior  System Settings  Un-check "Reopen last project on startup"  Click apply

[ on the Mac - Old Version ]

Preferences  General  Startup/shutdown  Reopen last project on startup.